Our sales network is always there for you and provide all customers with close presence and continous support.
Phone: (+39) 0432 062944
Mobile: (+39) 345 5874283
E-mail: adolfo.tiso@pittini.it
Phone: (+39) 051 846685
Mobile: (+39) 335 340683
E-mail: marcolinrappresentanze@gmail.com
Phone: (+39) 095 0905743
Mobile: (+39) 348 7508334
E-mail: alessandro.pepe.ct@gmail.com
Phone: (+39) 080 4393666
Mobile: (+39) 347 4495885
E-mail: marco.liuzzi@pittini.it
Phone: (+39) 049 8976125
Mobile: (+39) 335 6172321
E-mail: serafin.acciai@virgilio.it
Mobile: (+39) 335 8443103
E-mail: pabozza@alice.it
Phone: (+39) 011 9973940
Mobile: (+39) 335 6961496
E-mail: riccardo.mariotti@siderpiemonte.it
Fill in the form here in below for your inquiries and for any information about our products.