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The product

In the rolling mills for the production of rebars belonging to the Pittini Group, all manufacturing processes are carefully controlled and all plants are technologically advanced. This ensures the production of hot rolled bars for reinforced concrete with improved adherence, in a range of diameters from 8 to 40 mm.

The billets from the three steel mills in Osoppo, Verona and Potenza are processed in rolling stands and subjected to controlled thermal treatment to obtain high ductile rebars bearing the HD mark, suitable to be used in structural steel in seismic areas.

The hot rolled steel products manufactured by Pittini can be welded and comply with the most stringent national and international regulations.

Download Rebars Catalogue

The rebars produced in Osoppo and Potenza obtained the EPD CertificationEnvironmental Product Declaration – by the certifying partner ICMQ, the Institute for certification and quality branding for products and services for construction.

Download the EPD certificate-Osoppo

Download the EPD certificate – Potenza

Technical Characteristics

Steel grade B450C, B500B, B500C, B550B
Range of diameters 8 – 40mm
Test Certificate EN 10204
Packaging tied bundle
lenght (weight) 6,0m (1.500kg)
lenght (weight) 12,0m (max 2.500kg according to the diameter)
lenght (weight) 14,0m (max 2.500kg according to the diameter)

Mechanical and Size Characteristics

Standard Steel grade Ø [mm] Weight tol.
Re min [MPa] Re max [MPa] Rm min
Rm/Re min Rm/Re max Agt min [%] mark
D.M. 17/01/2018 B450C 6 ÷ 40 ±4.5÷±6 450c 563c 540c 1.15c 1.35c 7.5c 4/7
049 (*)
DIN 488 B500B 6 ÷ 40 +6/-4 500c 650c 1.08c 5c 4/7
HRN 1130-2 B500B 6 ÷ 40 ±4.5÷±6 500c 1.08c 5c 4/7
MSZ 339 B500B 8 ÷ 50 ±4.5÷±6 500c 580c 1.08c 5c 4/7
CSN 42 0139 B500B 4 ÷ 40 ±4.5÷±6 500c 1.08c 5c 4/7
ELOT 1421 B500C 6 ÷ 40 ±4.5÷±6 500c 625c 1.15c 1.35c 7.5c 4/7
ÖN B4707 B550B 6 ÷ 50 ±4.5÷±6 550c 715 1.08c 5c 1/7
EN 10080 6 ÷ 50 ±4.5÷±6 4/7
NF A 35-080-1 B500B 5 ÷ 56 500c 650c 1.08c 5c 4/7
St-009 B500C 6 ÷ 50 500c 1.15c 1.35c 7.5c
J.O.R.A. B500C 6 ÷ 40 500 550 1.10 A5min=12 4/7
SS212540 K500B-T 8 ÷ 32 ±4.5÷±6 500c 1.08c 5c 1/7 – 4/7
SS212540 K500C-T 8 ÷ 32 ±4.5÷±6 500c 1,15c 1,35c 7,5c 1/7 – 4/7
NS 3576-2/3 B500NB 8 ÷ 32 ±4.5÷±6 500c 650 500c 1,08c 5c 1/7 – 4/7
NS 3576-2/3 B500NC 8 ÷ 32 ±4.5÷±6 500c 650 600 1,15c 1,35c 7,5c/8,0c 1/7 – 4/7
BS 4449 B500B 6 ÷ 40 ±4.5÷±6 500c 1.08c 5c 4/7

– c = characteristic values
– Tolerances weight: for diameters larger than 8 mm ± 4.5 % ; for diameters up to 8mm ± 6%
– * 049 from Verona, 4/7 from Osoppo, 4/7/2 from Potenza.


Steel Grade Diameter Technical sheet D.o.P. / C.
ALGERIA J.O.R.A. and NF A 35-080-1 E500 8÷32mm SPB291i
AUSTRIA ÖNORM B 4707 B550B 8÷30mm SPF204i
BULGARIA BDS 9252 and BDS EN 10080 B500C 8÷32mm SPB295i SP-BAR-BG-B500C
CANADA CSA G30.18-09 (R2014) 400W 10M÷35M SPB305i
CROATIA HRN 1130-2 and EN10080 B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-HR-B500B
8÷16mm SPB295i SP-BAR-HR-B500B
GERMANY DIN 488 B500B 8÷28mm SPB307i
GREECE ELOT 1421-3 B500C 8÷32mm SPB295i
ITALY D.M. 17/01/2018 B450C 8÷40mm SPB308
8÷32mm SPF201i
POLAND IBDiM-KOT-2018/0114
wydanie 2 (T.A.)
B500C 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-PL-B500B
PN-H-93220 8÷20mm SPB295i SP-BAR-PL-B500SP
CZECH REP CSN 42 0139 B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-CZ-B500B
B500C 8÷16mm SPB295i SP-BAR-CZ-B500C
ROMANIA AT 16-01/425-2020 (TA) B500C 8÷32mm SPF400i Every Delivery
AT 16-01/416-2019 (TA) 8÷32mm SPB295i Every Delivery
SERBIA SRPS EN 10080 B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-SR-B500B
SLOVAKIA SK TP-13/0032 v03 (TA) B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-SK-B500B
SK TP-20/0031 v01 (TA) 8÷16mm SPF295i
SLOVENIA STS-07/060 (TA) B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i Every Delivery
STS-20/0012 (TA) 8÷16mm SPB295i Every Delivery
HUNGARY A-90/2017 (TA) B500B 8÷32mm SPF400i FN-BAR-HU-B500B
A-18/2020 (TA) 8÷16mm SPF295i
USA ASTM A615 60 3÷8mm SPB300i
40 3÷6mm SPB301i

Chemical Composition of Casting

Standard Limits C% P% S% N% Cu% Ceq%
D.M. 17/01/2018 max 0.22(1) 0.05 0.05 0.012 0.8 0.5
DIN 488 max 0.22 0.05 0.05 0.012 0.6 0.5
ELOT 1421 max 0.22(1) 0.05 0.05 0.012 0.8 0.5
St-009 max 0.22(1) 0.05 0.05 0.012 0.8 0.5
EN 10080 max 0.22(1) 0.05 0.05 0.012 0.8 0.5

– (1) C%: It’s allowed C max 0.25% if Ceq max 0.48%
– ACurrently, most of the European standards provide for steels chemical analysis
in accordance with EN 10080

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