Our sales network is always there for you and provide all customers with close presence and continous support.
Phone: (+39) 0432 062914
Mobile: (+39) 347 3401380
Fax: (+39) 0432 062960
E-mail: davide.difant@pittini.it
Phone: (+39) 011 3170850
Mobile: (+39) 335 5248841
E-mail: info@velmat.it
Phone: (+39) 030 2586430
Mobile: (+39) 335 7595662
Fax: (+39) 030 2584805
E-mail: f.bianchessi@arongastecnici.it
Phone: (+39) 041 920143
Mobile: (+39) 338 7634168
E-mail: francesco.raggiotto@airgasnordest.com
Phone: (+39) 340 9608847
E-mail: franco.liuzzi@me.com
Phone: (+39) 0744 813531
Mobile: (+39) 333 4020483
E-mail: saldumbra@libero.it
Phone: (+39) 0432 062922
Mobile: (+39) 342 1283202
E-mail: paolo.pintabona@pittini.it
Fill in the form here in below for your inquiries and for any information about our products.