Meshes in Austria

The product

The BSTG facilities of the Pittini Group, based in Graz and Linz, are devoted to manufacturing electrowelded meshes especially for Austria and Germany, thus ensuring comprehensive commercial and technical support as well as high quality products thanks to continuous investment in plants made to achieve the highest technological standards.

Download technical sheet Meshes

The standard electrowelded meshes produced in Osoppo obtained the EPD CertificationEnvironmental Product Declaration – by the certifying partner ICMQ, the Institute for certification and quality branding for products and services for construction.

Download the EPD certificate

BSTG also specialises in the design and supply of customized electro-welded wire meshes for the Austrian market.


Electrowelded wire mesh is used to strengthen reinforced concrete structural elements.   Electrowelded wire mesh is manufactured in compliance with the ÖNORM B4707 standard.

On account of its mechanical and technological characteristics, electrowelded wire mesh is classified as a B550A wire mesh pursuant to the ÖNORM B4707 standard.

Yield strenght

Re ≥ 550c N/mm²

Ratio/Yield strenght

Rm/Re ≥ 1,05c

Total elongation

Agt ≥ 2,5c %

For Diameter of 5.0 mm to5.5 mm applies:

Rm/Re ≥ 1,03c

Agt ≥ 2c %

For diameters less than 5.0 mm, no evidence is required.

Lenght: 6,00 m standard
Width: 2,40 m standard

Standard Meshes A/AQ

Mesh Type Ø
Panel Dimension Weight/panel panel/pack
[mm] [mm] [cm] [cm] [cm] [kg]

AQ 42

4.2 4.2 10 10 240×600 31.39 50

AQ 50

5 5 10 10 240×600 44.35 50

AQ 55

5.5 5.5 10 10 240×600 53.86 50

AQ 60

6 6 10 10 240×600 63.94 25

AQ 65

6.5 6.5 10 10 240×600 74.88 25

AQ 70

7 7 10 10 240×600 86.98 25

AQ 76

7.6 7.6 10 10 240×600 102.53 25

AQ 82

8.2 8.2 10 10 240×600 119.52 20

AQ 90

9 9 10 10 240×600 143.71 10

AQ 100

10 10 10 10 240×600 177.70 10

A 60

6 5 10 30 240×600 39.36 50

A 70

7 5.5 10 30 240×600 52.46 50

A 82

8.2 6.5 10 30 240×600 72.24 25

Technical drawing
Technical drawing Type AQ
Technical drawing Type A

Schlaufenmatte ÖMAT Meshes

ÖMAT electrowelded wire mesh is an improvement over standard wire meshes due to the presence of hooks at the ends, which offer the following advantages:

  • The special overlapping system with hooks makes laying simpler and ensures quick and safe site control.
  • Reduced use of steel in overlapping areas thanks to single overlaps with hooks of just 20 cm.
  • Lower weight thanks to lighter edges.
  • Increased profitability thanks to the availability of 2 standard lengths of 5.10 m/6.00 m/7.20 m, respectively, for meshes type AS, CQS and AQS.
  • Simple and safe handling of meshes thanks to the presence of hooks.

Special lengths: 5.10 m / 7.20 m per AS 90, AS 100, CQS 70, CQS 80, CQS 90, AQS 90, AQS 100

Other special lengths upon request.

Types and characteristics:

Tipologie rete Omat


Example 1

AQ 65


Steel cross-section

3.32 cm²/m

3.35 cm²/m

Mesh length/width

6.00 m x 2.40 m

7.20 m x 2.40 m

Mesh weight

5.20 kg/m²

5.24 kg/m²

Longitudinal overlapping/transversal overlapping

34 cm / 34 cm (zB. Beton B25) 42 cm / 20 cm (Schlaufenstoss)

1 mesh panel covers a surface of

(6.00-0.34)*(2.40-0.34)=11.66 m²

(7.20-0.42)*(2.40-0.20)=14.92 m²

Average steel requirement

5.20*6.00*2.40/11.66=6.42 kg/m²

5.24*7.20*52.40/14.92=6.07 kg/m²

105.80 %

100 %

Example 2

AQ 90


Steel cross-section

6.36 cm²/m

6.36 cm²/m

Mesh length/width

6.00 m x 2.40 m

6.00 m x 2.40 m

Mesh weight

9.98 kg/m²

9.90 kg/m²

Longitudinal overlapping/transversal overlapping

48 cm / 48 cm (zB. Beton B30) 48 cm / 20 cm (Schlaufenstoss)

1 mesh panel covers a surface of

(6.00-0.48)*(2.40-0.48)=10.60 m²

(6.00-0.48)*(2.40-0.20)=12.14 m²

Average steel requirement

9.98*6,00*2.40/10.60= 13.56 kg/m²

9.90*6.00*2.40/12.14= 11.74 kg/m²

115.5 %

100 %

Laying method 1:
Overlappings1: 20 cm

Laying method  2:
Overlappings2= 40 cm

The choice between method 1 or 2 depends upon the mesh cross-section and the way it is cut taking into account economic criteria.
electrowelded meshes austria electrowelded meshes austria


Mechanical and size characteristics of meshe B550A

Standard Ø
Weight tol.
Re min
Agt min
Rt min


4.2 ÷ 10 note 550c 1.05c 1.3 2.5c 30c 180,8

ÖN B 4707

3 ÷ 12 note 550c 1.05c 1.3 2.5c 30c 180,8

– C characteristic val.
– Tests after artificial aging at 100°C/1h
– Weight tolerances: ± 4.5% for diameters larger than 8 mm; ± 6% for diameters up to 8 mm

Mechanical and size characteristics of meshes B550B

Standard Ø
Weight tol.
Re min
Agt min
Rt min


6 ÷ 10 note 550c 1.08c 1.3 5c 30c 180,8

ÖN B4707

3 ÷ 12 note 550c 1.08c 1.3 5c 30c 180,8

– C characteristic val.
– Tests after artificial aging at 100°C/1h
– Weight tolerances: ± 4.5% for diameters larger than 8 mm; ± 6% for diameters up to 8 mm


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A continuous and reliable service is guaranteed by Pittini Group’s Sales Department.
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