The facilities of the Pittini Group are specialised in the production of special and customized electrowelded meshes, zinc plated and/or moulded meshes that meet with utmost precision design and site execution requirements.
The innovations the Group has implemented deliver significant benefits for construction companies, speeding up job site lead times and creating safer buildings. Ease of installation and improved construction efficiency are the main advantages guaranteed by this product. This solution also reduces costs, while still offering the absolute safety of buildings constructed with Pittini HD steel. The Pittini Group has always been committed to improving the quality of its products. This is why the entire production process is subjected to constant and strict controls, starting from the recycled ferrous materials melted in the EAF electric furnace to the manufacture of the meshes in the Group’s production facilities.
For specific requirements, our clients can rely on our dedicated service department, which is able to design customized electro-welded wire meshes for a variety of applications, such as meshes for reinforced soils, shaped meshes, meshes for tunnels and galleries, meshes for prefabricated elements and pillars, as well as unidirectional meshes.
The customized meshes produced in Osoppo obtained the EPD Certification – Environmental Product Declaration – by the certifying partner ICMQ, the Institute for certification and quality branding for products and services for construction.
The ability to produce customized meshes completes the Pittini Group’s range of products, adding to the extensive range of standard electro-welded wire meshes.
The Pittini Group has 3 plants devoted to the production of custom wire mesh in 3 different countries to meet the specific needs of those markets: